Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you still have questions, you can contact us by using our contact form.

Yes, just contact us through NETdesk support so that we can plan the change.
You will have to pay the difference in the yearly amount according to the number of operators and the type of licence and, if necessary, the base price relating to the licence.
Yes, just contact us through NETdesk support so that we can plan the change.
You will have to pay the difference in the yearly amount according to the number of operators and the type of licence and, if necessary, the base price relating to the licence.
An operator is a member of your team who receives, deals with and resolves tickets from your customers. Each operator must have individual access to NETdesk. Our fees per operator correspond to the licence fees of the other software.
We offer annual invoicing for the basic and plus versions. Monthly payment can only be made for the company version. You can pay online by credit card. For our Plus and Company plans, you can choose to receive invoices. Contact us to find out more.
Fill in the form provided for this purpose, we will receive your request and we will send you a demo access within 72 hours.